| 1. | In several of them, he appeared to black out before the crash.
| 2. | He begins losing his balance and blacks out, falling to the ground.
| 3. | This, in theory, will " scare the black out of him ."
| 4. | Alex enters a frenzy of light and flashes but then blacks out.
| 5. | Just before he blacks out, Green Arrow sees Flash being dragged away.
| 6. | Keeping blacks out of union jobs is potentially damaging for organized labor.
| 7. | You could black out, fall, hit your head, confuse your dogs and die.
| 8. | By now, I thought there would be more blacks out here.
| 9. | Tescione seemed to " black out " a couple of times.
| 10. | Carter converted the sideline conversion and put the All Blacks out to 13.